09 January 2007

Mercurialism & Mercurists

Mercury Darling

Been too much fascinatingly and enlighteningly in the Mercur- section of the OED lately. Oh, the quality of word from that market, godlike and chemical root! Sic vita humana. And if that doesn't convince you, the 8 January calendar entry said 'Pia fraus'.

But bystanding mercies(teehee) I've a new favourite word home. Like 'mercurial', where some rare noun usages inform my sense of the common adjective. Mercurials, indeed! And yet more evidence for my OED Law. All words possess unexpected obscure usages in the OED.

And happy thoughts like 'Mercurist', more delighted providers of news messages. A sadly obscure persumable synonym for blogger.

Yet now... to commerce: Or to the point. I forget. The darling boy is above and below, though, care of my holiday in the British Museum. Wanna see some Justinian coins? (Damn, hope that is the correct adjective? Constantinopolitan!)

Mercury Darling Again Mercury Darling As Hermes Weighing Souls

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